At 06:17 PM 10/02/2000, you wrote:
>From: Paul Nelson <>
> >Back to work. One last comment, for those who
> >want me to do CSI calculations for them:
> >
> >Sorry, life is short. I've already provided citations
> >(Scherer 1983, 1996; Rust 1992) where such calculations
> >have been done to my satisfaction.
>I really want to see calculations that have been done to *Dembski's*
>satisfaction, since only Dembski can reliably say whether they are bona fide
>applications of his methods.
This would only be true if he has not clearly and/or completely specified
his method. If he *has* clearly and completely specified it, it should be
applicable by anyone who can do the needed calculations. If this cannot be
done, then it may indicate a flaw in Dembski's method or its presentation.
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