Nelson's "thought experiment"

Date: Mon Oct 02 2000 - 16:34:50 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: CSI, GAs, etc."

    >Here's a thought experiment.

    >We find a wall with a little door in it. Occasionally, that door opens,
    >and small complex artifacts emerge. Maybe these are sonnets, or
    >pencils, or integrated circuits, or plaster busts of Mozart -- whatever.

    ***"Whatever" indeed! Out of that same little door come not only Mozart by
    TB, Malaria, smallpox, VD, poisons, fangs, stingers, gaping mouths, sticky
    tongues, cancers, birth defects, and a planet whose biological life is
    sustained by parasitism with the bacteria and plants parasitizing the rocks
    and minerals and other plants and dead animal remains, and even some
    meanwhile the animals parasitize the plants and each other, even the
    smallest viruses feasting on the largest and smartest vertebrates, one big
    buffet where few of the creatures born ever reach the age of reproduction,
    and all served on a platter of rock that collides intermittently with other
    as it floats though an endless empty ocean of space where black holes,
    destructive radiation, novas, and even a star that passes nearby, can fry
    whole platter.

    (Indeed, why don't we reinforce in our kids THOSE facts, and call it the
    "Intelligent Tinkerer hypothesis?" An hypothesis lying half-way between
    of an Intelligent Designer and no Designer at all?)

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