Re: CSI, GAs, etc.

From: Richard Wein (
Date: Mon Oct 02 2000 - 13:17:10 EDT

  • Next message: Chris Cogan: "Re: CSI, GAs, etc."

    From: Paul Nelson <>
    >Back to work. One last comment, for those who
    >want me to do CSI calculations for them:
    >Sorry, life is short. I've already provided citations
    >(Scherer 1983, 1996; Rust 1992) where such calculations
    >have been done to my satisfaction.

    I really want to see calculations that have been done to *Dembski's*
    satisfaction, since only Dembski can reliably say whether they are bona fide
    applications of his methods. Surely, as his colleague in the CSRC, it's not
    too difficult for you to confirm with him that these calculations meet *his*
    approval too?

    >Pardon me if this
    >sounds ad hominem, but I suspect it isn't CSI estimates,
    >really, that you want.

    It certainly is CSI estimates that I want, together with a description of
    how they've been calculated. And it is Dembski's responsibility to provide
    them, or else retract his claim to have detected CSI in biological
    structures. Why is Dembski so quiet on this subject?

    Richard Wein (Tich)

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