Re: Why I don't reject ID

Date: Sun Oct 01 2000 - 22:53:36 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: Why I don't reject ID"

    >FMA: I have been searching on some of the terms you used:
    [FMA quoting me from another site] DNAunion: It also doesn’t seem to always
    mess with a bad thing. For example, the most common protein on Earth,
    RUBISCO, in addition to performing its useful carboxylation reactions in the
    Calvin cycle, also catalyzes oxygenic reactions that have a negative effect
    on plants. Yet, in more than 3 billions of years, random mutation and natural
    selection could not eliminate the negative effects while retaining the
    beneficial ones. Not that this “disproves” evolution in any sense, but it is
    another example of its limitations.
    DNAunion: I just started and the ground rules are fresh in my mind. Here is
    one of them.

    >BOARD RULES: One final item about protocol: it is a breach of privacy,
    good manners, and possibly copyright to republish something someone says in
    one forum elsewhere -- especially if this is done with the intent to take
    advantage or embarrass someone for a possibly hasty comment.

    DNAunion: Am I missing something, or is this not what FMA just did?

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