Some thoughts

Date: Sun Oct 01 2000 - 18:43:53 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: Behe and design inference: What does it mean?"

    When I attended a meeting where people from the Discovery Org were going to
    talk about exciting new evidence I was a bit confused when they focused on
    issues such as the tree of life, Cambrian explosion, peppered moth, Haeckel
    and other issues.

    My thoughts then and certainly now are that they are trying to indict
    Darwinism by planting reasonable doubt in the minds of people that there is
    something wrong with Darwinism. This is not attempted per se through a
    rigorous scientific research program but more through a carefully designed
    propaganda program. I never took the Wedge too seriously but now it seems to
    me clearly that science is sacrified in favor of the time table to displace
    what they mistakenly identified as ontological materialism/naturalism.

    It started with Philip Johnson who tried the lawyer-like approach to place
    Darwin on trial. Although his arguments were hardly scientifically rigorous
    or even supportable he did manage to place some seeds of doubts.
    But to a similar extent is has become quite obvious that the ID movement is
    not interested in extending their paradigm of ID beyond the vaguaries of
    Dembski's design inference or Behe's IC. Despite the facts that many problems
    have been shown to exists with these theses, little effort has been expended
    on addressing these criticisms.
    Wesley's arguments about intelligent designers and natural selection:

        The "actualization-exclusion-specification" triad mentioned above also
        fits natural selection rather precisely. One might thus conclude that
        Dembski's argument establishes that natural selection can be recognized
        as an intelligent agent. "

    or his and other people's comments about CSI, all seem to remain unaddressed.

    So is ID scientific?

        "At no step --not even one-- does Doolittle give a model that includes
        numbers or quantities; without numbers there is not science."
        Behe pp. 95 Darwin's Black Box

    Will the ID movement hold itself to the same standards to which it seems to
    hold its opponents?

    They could start by defining some of the concepts more clearly and explain
    how intelligent designers can be detected and separated from natural
    "intelligent" designers.

    It's time for some science.

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