Re: Selection as "a Profoundly Informative Intervention" #1

From: Chris Cogan (
Date: Thu Sep 28 2000 - 10:28:08 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: Numerical Significance? (was The "Apparent" Trap)"

    At 06:40 PM 09/27/2000, you wrote:

    >>This is despite it actually being a *law* of biology (i.e. a rule to which
    >>there has never been observed to be any exceptions), that life only arises
    >>from life:
    >> "In its affirmative form, the law of Biogenesis states that all
    >> living
    >> organisms are the progeny of living organisms that went before
    >> them. The familiar Latin tag is omne vivum ex vivo-All that is alive
    >> came from something living; in other words, every organism has an
    >> unbroken genealogical pedigree extending back to the first living
    >> things. In its negative form, the law can be taken to deny the
    >> occurrence (or even the possibility) of spontaneous generation. ...
    >> The Law of Biogenesis is arguably the most fundamental in biology
    >> ..." (Medawar P. & Medawar J., "Aristotle to Zoos: A
    >> Philosophical Dictionary of Biology", in Bird W.R., "The Origin of
    >> Species Revisited", 1991, Vol. I, pp.311-312).

    Of course, this would apply to all designers, as well, including, if He
    existed, God. Unless God really *is* dead. ;-)

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