Re: Selection as "a Profoundly Informative Intervention" #1

From: Chris Cogan (
Date: Thu Sep 28 2000 - 09:38:57 EDT

  • Next message: Howard J. Van Till: "Re: Why Does the Universe Work?"


    >It is not generally realised that the naturalistic origin of life
    >assumption is
    >really a return to the old spontaneous generation hypothesis, as Wald
    >pointed out (see tagline)

    So, you are equating the following?

    1. A theory that says that maggots spontaneously arise in refuse that was
    thrown out a day or two earlier.

    2. A theory that says that, over a period of perhaps many millions of
    years, on a planet where there *was* no refuse, the evolution of molecules
    via trillions and trillions of autocatalytic replications eventually gave
    rise to an autocatalytic set of molecules that could actually actively take
    in and use energy (i.e., that were alive).

    Wow! What a stupendous equation.

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