Re: Numerical Significance? (was The "Apparent" Trap)

From: Vernon Jenkins (
Date: Wed Sep 27 2000 - 20:21:30 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: Numerical Significance? (was The "Apparent" Trap)"

    Hi Chris:

    Thanks for your response.

    Chris Cogan wrote:
    > Hi. I visited your sites, and looked at a couple of the pieces. I'm
    > impressed with the sheer amount of stuff you have, but not with its
    > claimed evidentiary value. This is because this sort of thing can be
    > done with almost *anything*. You could easily "prove" the truth of the
    > "Lord of the Rings" trilogy by this means, or you could *prove* that
    > the claims of the Koran are true by the same method. It's just too
    > easy for a person with a little familiarity with mathematics to come
    > up with these kinds of "evidence." Since the same method can just as
    > easily be used to "prove" things that are clearly false or even
    > nonsensical, as well as things one might think true, I conclude that
    > it's not a valid method of proving things, or of validating them at
    > all.

    Clearly, your limited survey of the material I have put online has been
    insufficient to experience the full impact of what I am attempting to
    convey. [Your suggestion that such a confluence of unique and
    coordinated numerical geometries and symbolisms in a significant passage
    of text is relatively commonplace is completely without foundation, I'm
    afraid!] But, allow me to elaborate a little:

    1) The first seven Hebrew words of the Bible (comprising Genesis 1:1 -
    "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.") convey a
    complete and fundamental message that, if true, none can afford to
    ignore (as I'm sure you would agree). Twenty-eight - the number of
    letters involved - is 7th triangular, and 2nd perfect, number. Ten, the
    radix of our principal number system, and basis of metrication and
    decimalisation, is 4th triangular number. The latter may be seen as the
    central element in a symmetrical setting of perfect numbers, thus:

             o o
            o o o
           x x x x
          o x x x o
         o o x x o o
        o o o x o o o

    Note: a number is deemed 'perfect' if it equals the sum of its factors -
    including 1; 6 and 28 are perfect because 1+2+3 =6 and 1+2+4+7+14 = 28;
    all known perfect numbers are even and triangular; perfect numbers have
    interested the world's foremost mathematicians from the earliest times.

    2) The foregoing structure was implied when the Hebrew words were first
    written. It functions as a template for the larger structure that was to
    become associated with the same words, many centuries later (c 200 BC),
    when the Jews - following the Greek example - began using letters as
    numerals. In this case, the inner triangle of 703 units (representing
    "and the earth.") is associated with three of 666 units - the whole
    forming the triangle of 2701 units. The factors of 2701, viz 37 and 73,
    are each significant, and related, figurate numbers.

    3) The New Testament Greek forms of the Creator's name and title ('Jesus
    Christ') - are to be found in the Septuagint (a Greek translation of the
    Old Testament) c 300 BC. Each component is a multiple of 37, viz 888 and
    1480; their sum. 2368, or 37 x 64.

    Chris, I suggest that it would be foolish to lightly shrug off these
    'coincidences' (and there are very many more!) as being merely the
    products of chance. In their entirety - and keeping in mind their
    association with the significant opening words of a large book (which
    claims for itself 'divine inspiration'!) - they amount to a strongly
    persuasive argument for the truth of Genesis 1:1, and for the wider
    truths contained between the Bible's covers.

    Many have set the course of their lives on greatly inferior evidences! -
    wouldn't you agree?



    Vernon Jenkins MSc
    [musician, mining engineer, and formerly Senior Lecturer in Maths and
    Computing, the Polytechnic of Wales (now the University of Glamorgan)]

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