Numerical Significance? (was The "Apparent" Trap)

Date: Wed Sep 27 2000 - 10:09:51 EDT

  • Next message: Susan Brassfield Cogan: "Re: What Would You Do to make evolution work?? (*Again*)"

    Hi Chris,
    I checked and rechecked. What is written below is by you -- and about
    someone else!!!! If I were to answer your posts I couldn't have said it
    better. Amazing!!! It does seem to support your belief that in nature
    everything that is possible happens. In all that verbiage a refutation of
    you own position was bound to eventually appear.


    >Hi. I visited your sites, and looked at a couple of the pieces. I'm
    >impressed with the sheer amount of stuff you have, but not with its claimed
    >evidentiary value. This is because this sort of thing can be done with
    >almost *anything*. You could easily "prove" the truth of the "Lord of the
    >Rings" trilogy by this means, or you could *prove* that the claims of the
    >Koran are true by the same method. It's just too easy for a person with a
    >little familiarity with mathematics to come up with these kinds of
    >"evidence." Since the same method can just as easily be used to "prove"
    >things that are clearly false or even nonsensical, as well as things one
    >might think true, I conclude that it's not a valid method of proving
    >things, or of validating them at all.

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