Re: Does Selection Exist?, part 2

From: Chris Cogan (
Date: Tue Sep 26 2000 - 09:15:02 EDT

  • Next message: Howard J. Van Till: "Re: A THIRD OF U.S. SCHOOLS DON'T TEACH EVOLUTION"


    The paragraph that begins with "Also, virtually naturalistic evolutionists
    are Platonistic/Rationalistic" in my previous post in this thread should
    have begun: "Also, virtually *no* naturalistic evolutionists are
    Platonistic/Rationalistic," as follows:

    >Also, virtually *no* naturalistic evolutionists are
    >Platonistic/Rationalistic enough to reify such a concept anyway; that's
    >something that is *much* more prevalent among theists (particularly
    >Christian theists). We know that it's a general term for the occurrence of
    >a genome or gene or organism being excluded from further reproduction (or
    >from reproducing as much as it might have otherwise). We don't think of it
    >as some sort of "thing," like a rock, or even a *process* (though that is
    >much closer). It's *any* event that, in context, prevents something from
    >being reproduced.

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