Re: its quite easy to accomodate faith and science (was ID vs. ?)

From: Ralph Krumdieck (ralphkru@OREGON.UOREGON.EDU)
Date: Fri Sep 22 2000 - 02:13:01 EDT

  • Next message: Chris Cogan: "Re: Problems with selectionism, remarks on order, etc., etc. #2"

    >>If their "science" is based on "materialistic-naturalistic philosophy"
    >>their faith is based on a Christian theistic philosophy, then I doubt
    >that >it is "quite easy".
    >A Christian, an athiest, and a Bhuddist all working from the same recipe
    >will probably produce the same cake. One doesn't need a philosophy to do
    >science any more than to drive a truck. One needs to know the rules, how
    >to follow procedures.

    I agree. The big question is: How do we get them to all work
    from the same recipe?

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