Re: its quite easy to accomodate faith and science (was ID vs. ?)

Date: Thu Sep 21 2000 - 23:38:59 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: its quite easy to accomodate faith and science (was ID vs. ?)"

    "But materialism as a foundation for scientific explanation does not require
    that we adopt materialism as a philosophy. Science does not speak to our
    emotions, nor offer us moral codes. " Douglas Futuyama Science on Trial pp.

    "In an important way, the modern science of molecular biology is the child of
    what Darwin began, an ultimate unification of biology with other sciences,
    all of which now seek to describe nature in material terms. So how does this
    threaten religion?
    In a strict and scientific sense it doesn't. And I find it puzzling and
    disappointing that so many would have pinned their religious hopes on the
    inability of science to explain the natural world. In fact, I will argue
    later that an accurate and complete understanding of that world, even in
    purely materialistic terms, should deepen and strengthen the faith of any
    religous person".

    Finding Dawin's God. pp 169Kenneth Miller

    "The national academy of Science clearly endorses the view that science and
    religion need not be in conflict. Responding to the question of whether or
    not a person can believe in God and still accept evolution they report that
    many people do exactly that:

    "At the root of the apparant conflict between some religions and evolution is
    a misunderstanding of the critical difference between religious and
    scientific ways of knowing. Religions and science have answer different
    questions about the wolrd. Whether there is a purpose to the universe or a
    purpose for human existence are not questions for science. Religious and
    scientific ways of knowing have played, and will continue to play,
    significant roles in human history".
    Ibid pp 169

    It's clear that SJ's attempt to imply that actions of Darwinists reflect on
    Darwinism are without much merrit and that Darwinism and religion can go
    along hand in hand, as it does for so many people.

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