Re: Examples of natural selection generating CSI

Date: Thu Sep 21 2000 - 00:57:44 EDT

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    In a message dated 9/20/2000 9:46:50 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

    << I'm not aware of an example of anything that can be labeled CSI. I've
    seen claims by Dembski and others but have never seen any explicit
    justification for such a claim.

    Very true and exactly Wesley's point. Others have also indicated that before
    one can make a coherent argument one needs a coherent foundation, evidence
    supporting and the foundation. CSI needs to be shown to exist and then it
    needs to be shown how apparant CSI can be distinguished from real CSI and
    that evolutionary algorithms generate only apparant CSI.

    So much work to do. Perhaps Paul can tell us how Dembski is doing on these

    << Of course, Dembski wants to demonstrate the existence of miracles.
    Wesley's genetic algorithms will, probably, not be deemed an
    adequate substitute.

    The thought had crossed my mind as well. We shall see how the response from
    the ID crowd addresses these issues.

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