Re: Examples of natural selection generating CSI

From: Ivar Ylvisaker (
Date: Thu Sep 21 2000 - 00:46:08 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: Examples of natural selection generating CSI"

    "Stephen E. Jones" wrote:

    > Reflectorites
    > To: <>
    > Cc: (none)
    > From: "Paul Nelson" <>
    > Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 19:51:45 -0500
    > Subject: Examples of natural selection generating CSI
    > [...]
    > Paul Nelson, a leader of the ID movement, who is apparently lurking on the
    > Reflector and therefore must be shaking in his boots with fear (or is it shaking
    > in his sides with laughter? :-) at all this brilliant falsifying of unfalsifiable ID,
    > wrote:
    > PN>Hi Wesley:
    > >
    > >Do you have any examples of natural selection
    > >actually generating CSI?
    > [...]
    > To which Wesley, after a bit of huffing and puffing, replied, in effect (see
    > below), "well actually no Paul...but we have some *great* excuses why we
    > haven't"!
    > Steve

    I'm not aware of an example of anything that can be labeled CSI. I've
    seen claims by Dembski and others but have never seen any explicit
    justification for such a claim.

    Of course, Dembski wants to demonstrate the existence of miracles.
    Wesley's genetic algorithms will, probably, not be deemed an
    adequate substitute.


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