Re: fear of the religious implications of design

From: Ivar Ylvisaker (
Date: Tue Sep 19 2000 - 01:02:12 EDT

  • Next message: Chris Cogan: "RE: CSI and algorithms:" wrote:

    > Fear of religion seems to be common among people either promoting Darwinism
    > or opposing ID. (I'm unsure which most of you are doing, fighting traditional
    > religion or promoting your own religion - materialism.

    Neither. My concern is not with religion but with the political
    goals of some religious groups. To be fair, I'm less concerned
    about organizations like the Discovery Institute than I am about
    more literalist creation groups. But the latter will use the idea
    of ID if they can.

    There is no religion called materialism to my knowledge. If there
    is, I will not join. It would be very boring for one thing. And I
    am dubious about the kind of people who would want to be members.

    > No one is ever going to prove the nonexistence of God.

    I agree. I cannot imagine how anyone could devise a test that
    would confirm there is no God. If there is a God and He is capable
    of inventing universes and He wants to hide from scientists, He will
    undoubtedly succeed.

    Of course, there are some ID enthusiasts who are convinced that they
    can ferret Him out regardless of God's wishes.

    > Those trying
    > to explain the universe materialistically are as doomed to failure as the
    > alchemists were. I suspect we have to consider things we now regard as
    > "supernatural", such as mind, free will, creativity, intelligence,
    > consciousness, spontaneity, etc.

    I don't think of any of those things as "supernatural." To my mind,
    the supernatural consists of creatures who are never there when they
    are supposed to be and actions such as incantations that never succeed
    when tested.


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