Re: A Question of Abiogenesis

From: Tedd Hadley (
Date: Mon Sep 18 2000 - 14:12:01 EDT

  • Next message: Chris Cogan: "Re: The Wedge Project"

    "Stephen E. Jones" writes
      in message <>:

    > TH>If amino acids were as common [billions of years ago] as they are now,
    > >they'd very likely be metabolized by bacteria.
    > Is there any hard evidence for this though?
       Hard evidence that bacteria metabolized amino acids billions of
       years ago? I don't know. However, I've already explained why
       such a hypothesis is reasonable and that's about the best anyone
       can do under the circumstances.

    >I have a book on microbiology which doesn't say anything about
    > bacteria eating amino acids and nucleic acids.

       Look up putrefactive bacteria or any of those varieties that ferment
       proteins. There are probably thousands of species.
    > TH>The gut (small & large intenstine, not stomach, by the way) doesn't
    > >have an appreciable quantity of O2 in it (nor nitrogen so
    > >"air" is not the case) but occasionally has small quantities of
    > >bacterial fermentation bioproducts such as hydrogen, carbon
    > >dioxide, and methane.
    > According to the above text on page 274, there are *both* aerobic and
    > anaerobic bacteria in human and animal intestinal tracts.
       That sounds right to me.

    > TH>For most amino acids, such specialized bacteria should see no
    > >difference between abiotic proteins and the "natural" proteins.
    > See above on "chemotaxis". I would need hard evidence of this.
    > I would think it unlikely that modern day bacteria would be
    > attracted to raw amino and nucleic acids.

       How the heck do you think dead plant and animal matter decays
       then?? You don't really think that we'll find a big pile of
       amino acids in some unfortunate's coffin after the appropriate
       decomposition interval?

    > TH>Likewise, for the amino acids that do not occur in
    > >life, it would seem that a buildup for any length of time would
    > >represent an energy source to be exploited
    > Is there any evidence that bacteria eat non-biological amino acids?
       Well, point me to a source of non-biological amino acids
       and I'll check.

    > I would consider this unlikely because of the ready supply of cellular
    > materials they can already exploit.
       Cellular materials from what or where? What happens when that
       runs out? All the bacteria just die, like that, with a food
       source available right there with only minor chemical differences?

    > TH>In the race between a possible new life precursor from abiotically
    > >produced amino acids and evolution of a new bacterial strain
    > >able to metabolize those amino acids, I'd put my money on the
    > >bacteria every time.
    > Tedd might lose his money. There would be good reasons why bacteria
    > would *not* metabolize amino acids.

       Well, given that bacteria now seem to have no problem and that
       amino acids have been available as a potential food source for
       billions of years, my money looks safer than McDonald's stock.

    > >>TH>However, four billion years ago, who knows? Maybe the first
    > >>>life form thrived on a soup of life precursors.
    > >SJ>What "soup" would that be exactly?:
    > TH>Who knows? But, as you point out, probably not prebiotic
    > >soup of Oparin's scenario.
    > If not Oparin's, what "prebiotic soup" then?
    > "The existence of a prebiotic soup is crucial to the whole scheme.
    > Without an abiotic accumulation of the building blocks of the cell
    > no life could ever evolve. If the traditional story is true, therefore,
    > there must have existed for many millions of years a rich mixture of
    > organic compounds in the ancient oceans and some of this material
    > would very likely have been trapped in the sedimentary rocks lain
    > down in the seas of those remote times. Yet rocks of great antiquity
    > have been examined over the past two decades and in none of them
    > has any trace of abiotically produced organic compounds been
    > found. Most notable of these rocks are the dawn rocks" of Western
    > Greenland, the earliest dated rocks on Earth, considered to be
    > approaching 3,900 million years old. So ancient are these rocks that
    > they must have been lain down not long after the formation of the
    > oceans themselves and perhaps only three hundred to four hundred
    > million years after the actual formation of the Earth. And the
    > Greenland rocks are not exceptional. Sediments from many other
    > parts of the world dated variously between 3,900 million years old
    > and 3,500 million years old also show no sign of any abiotically
    > formed organic compounds.
       Further research appears to prove this wrong.
       which indicates that there *is* signs of organic material in
       those rocks.

    | The simplest interpretation of the carbon isotopic data in Mojzsis
    | et al. (1996) is that the organisms responsible for the light carbon
    | signature in the oldest known terrestrial sediments were metabolically
    | complex, perhaps comprising populations of phosphate-utilizing
    | photoautotrophs and chemoautotrophs. These data may point to the
    | presence of diverse photosynthesizing, methanogenic, and methylotrophic
    | bacteria on Earth before 3850 Ma (Mojzsis and Arrhenius, 1998;
    | Mojzsis et al., 1999b). Not only had life taken firm hold on Earth
    | by the close of the Hadean era, but it also appears to have evolved
    | far enough away from its origin to create an interpretable signature
    | in carbon isotopes.

    > TH>In the same way, the origin of life
    > >will very likely require at least as much research because *it
    > >is a lot more difficult than it looks*.
    > *If* the origin of life was fully naturalistic it should be one
    > of the *easiest* problems of evolution to solve. That is because,
    > if it was solely by undirected natural chemical processes, there
    > is only a limited number of these (though large) and it should
    > be fully deterministic and therefore completely reproducible in
    > a laboratory.

       That doesn't follow logically. 1) the existence of advanced
       life now very likely eliminates all evidence of the proper
       configuration of environments and chemicals; 2) the number of
       configurations of environments and chemicals is still astronomical.

    > TH>There is no shortage of simple-sounding solutions for medical
    > >and abiogenesis research.
    > I regard Tedd's dragging in of the common cold as just a
    > red-herring. There is little or no connection between curing
    > the common cold and demonstrating an abiotic origin of life.
       The only connection I wish to stress is that they both seem to
       be simple problems which turn out to be difficult to solve.
       No red-herring.

    > Anyway, it defeats Tedd's own argumenmt. Researchers have made
    > and are making steady progress in medical research over the last
    > 40+ years, but there is no such steady progress being made in
    > abiogenesis. What origin of life reasearchers report is

       Heh, post something up to date, not 12 years out of date!

    > TH>Okay, let's try a little experiment. If you claim we know too
    > >much, I have a simple request. Read the publications at the
    > >following URL and tell me what we know about the conditions of
    > >early earth that should eliminate this research as possible
    > >candidate for origin of simple replicators:
    > The only way to "eliminate" possibilities is to test them all
    > out. There are probably thousands of labs across the world who
    > could divide-and-conquer this problem.
       Don't forget that the availability of research grants severely
       constrains this approach.

    > It should be a lot easier and cheaper than trying to find life on Mars or
    > Europa. Besides, even if they did find life on another planet, they would
    > still need to work out how it originated.
       It sure is easier getting public funding for alien-life form study
       than for abiogenesis. I think most folks still see abiogenesis
       as a threat to religious belief.

     TH> Okay, let's try a little experiment. If you claim we know too
    > much, I have a simple request. Read the publications at the
    > following URL and tell me what we know about the conditions of
    > early earth that should eliminate this research as possible
    > candidate for origin of simple replicators:
    > Reading a number of "publications" may not be "a simple request".
       Exactly. There is a great deal of material there that you can't
       simply dismiss out of hand because you don't know enough about
       early Earth conditions to rule it out.

       We do *not* know too much about abiogenesis, we know too little
       and that is amply demonstrated by the variety of approaches
       being attempted, suggested and often rejected.

       Now I think most creationists have a different explanation for
       the quantity of abiogenetic research out there and that is:

       "It's an atheist conspiracy to make it *appear* to the public
        like much progress is being made when in reality the work is
        mostly fraudulent."

       I think, Stephen, this is fairly close to your own belief as
       well, is it not?

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