Re: A Question of Abiogenesis

Date: Sun Sep 17 2000 - 20:54:23 EDT

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    In a message dated 9/17/2000 3:51:48 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

    FJ>If they accepted ID then why would there be the need for more research?

    SJ: Why would there not be "the need for more research"? Knowing something
    is designed would not preclude finding out more about how it was

    So you accept that the how is missing so perhaps natural pathways indeed
    since natural forces could not be excluded as the designer? How do you suppose
    we find evidence of how God did it?

    Behe's mechanism

        "During the Q & A, Simon Conway Morris was the moderator. When my hand
        went up he called on me. [I took this as evidence supporting the
        hypothesis that he liked my question during his talk :-) --grm] I
        asked Behe that he has spent a lot of time talking about what wouldn't
        work and asked him to tell us what would work--if not evolution, what,
        then? Miracles? Behe stumbled around a bit and finally said that God
        inputs information into living system all along the way."


    Toole got up and read from Behe's book:

    "Suppose that nearly four billion years ago the designer made the first
    cell already containing all of the irreducibly complex biochemical systems
    discussed here and many others. (One can postulate that the designs for
    systems that were to be used later, such as blood clotting were present
    but not 'turned on.' In present-day organisms plenty of genes re turned off
    for a while, sometimes for generations, to be turned on at a later time.) Ad
    ditionally, suppose the designer placed into the cell some other systems for
    which we cannot adduce enough evidence to conclude design. The cell containin
    g the designed systems then was left on autopilot to reproduce, mutate, eat
    and be eaten, bump against rocks, and suffer all the vagaries of life on
    earth. " Michael J. Behe, Darwin's Black Box, (New York: The Free Press,
    1996), p. 227

    He then asked if the blood clotting mechanisms of other animals had that
    genetic mechanism but it hadn't been turned on. Behe said that this was
    not his present scenario. And Behe wouldn't commit to test Toole's

    Ptashne got up and asked Behe what he would want scientists to do
    differently? Behe said that he would like to have someone like Ptashne to
    determine how something like phage lambda (a complex system) might have

    Does not look promising to me

    SJ: << Indeed, if design is scientifically demonstrated it would probably
    be the biggest shot in the arm for "research" *ever*.

    Only if it could exclude natural designers. But that seems to be the problem
    ID is
    facing right now. They cannot.

    << FJ>It's
    >the present approach which has lead to new discoveries, new lines of

    That's not what Dose said in the quote I posted. Here it is again:

        "More than 30 years of experimentation on the origin of life in the
        fields of chemical and molecular evolution have led to a better
        perception of the immensity of the problem of the origin of life on
        Earth rather than to its solution. At present all discussions on
        principal theories and experiments in the field either end in
        stalemate or in a confession of ignorance. New lines of thinking and
        experimentation must be tried. ...The flow sheet shown in Figure 2
        is a scheme of ignorance. Without fundamentally new insights in
        evolutionary processes, perhaps involving new modes of thinking,
        this ignorance is likely to persist. (Dose K., "The Origin of Life:
        More Questions Than Answers", Interdisciplinary Science Reviews,
        Vol. 13, No. 4, 1988, pp.348,355).

    "New lines of thinking ... new modes of thinking" does not mean endlessly
    recycling old ways of thinking. There is *one* new mode of thinking that
    science has steadfastly tried to ignore for the last 140 years and that is

    This is about the origin of life, not evolution per se. You have to be
    careful to apply
    his comments to something which has shown to be quite able to lead to new
    and new lines of thinking. Furthermore this hardly means that ID is therefore
    a new
    mode of thinking or would even lead new discoveries.

    What would ID contribute to the origins of life discussion? Please show us
    some examples?
    Examples that show that present science would not have considered,

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