Re: Schutzenberger's Folly, part 1

From: Brian D Harper (
Date: Sat Sep 16 2000 - 20:36:59 EDT

  • Next message: Stephen E. Jones: "Re: fear of the religious implications of design"

    At 01:07 PM 9/15/00 -0700, Bill wrote:
    > > Suppose that
    > > a European firm proposes to manufacture an entirely new
    > > household appliance in a Southeast Asian factory. And suppose
    > > that for commercial reasons, the firm does not wish to
    > > communicate to the factory any details of the appliance's function
    > > - how it works, what purposes it will serve. With only a few
    > > thousand bits of information, the factory is not going to proceed
    > > very far or very fast.
    >Schutzenberger obviously has never worked in a machine shop. All one
    >needs is a set of drawings.

    How many bits of information in a drawing?

    >On the other hand, residential architects often specify construction
    >details which can't be built. <G>
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    Brian Harper
    Associate Professor
    Mechanical Engineering
    The Ohio State University
    "One never knows, do one?"
    -- Fats Waller

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