Re: Superb web site

From: Susan Brassfield Cogan (
Date: Fri Sep 15 2000 - 12:49:10 EDT

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    >Susan Brassfield Cogan wrote:
    >>This url was posted to another discussion list I'm on. In light of recent
    >>conversations I thought it would be a good read.
    >>Bertvan should especially read this page:

    Cliff Lundberg:
    >I'd like to make a request that if people post a URL they also mention
    >what it's about and why they think it's worth reading.

    good suggestion!

    This particular site is called "Anthropology Tutorials" and covers
    evolution and anthropology in a very clear, simple way. I'd say it's on
    about a high school level. The page I suggested Bertvan read covers
    mutations. An although mutations are referred to as "random" in other parts
    of the tutorial I thought this was an intersting way to put the problem:
    "However, mutations appear to be spontaneous in most instances. That does
    not mean that they
     occur without cause but, rather, that the specific cause is almost always
    unknown." It seemed like the *true* agnostic position.



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