Re: Blood clotting and IC'ness?

Date: Fri Sep 15 2000 - 11:49:20 EDT

  • Next message: Nelson Alonso: "RE: prima facie design hypothesis"

    In a message dated 9/14/2000 7:54:41 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

    << The stator, the rotor, the propellar in the flagllum look very much
    man-made. As well as the "railroad" tracks made up of microtubules and
    kinesin churn like steam engines. >>

    Interesting and yet man can so far not make these structures. But as history
    has shown, infering design just because we can imagine that it looks man-made
    has not been fruitful. Interestingly someone just posted about the F-ATPase
    and suggested that it might not be IC after all. I will see if I can find the

    Of course even if it were IC, we still have to address the issue that we have
    seen how natural processes could lead to IC systems so IC itself is suddenly
    not a reliable detector of design anymore and we need to eliminate natural
    pathways before we can infer design or we need to find a positive inference
    of design rather than a negative one.

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