Re: IC & ID (ID vs. ?)

Date: Fri Sep 15 2000 - 01:26:45 EDT

  • Next message: Marcio Pie: "Re: Randomness & Purpose [wasRe: Piecemeal genetic differences as support for macroe"

    In a message dated 9/13/2000 3:38:22 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

    << I have four things to say to this:

    1. Dawkins does commit Darwinism to gradualism and so IC is a potential
    falsification of Darwinism. >>

    That is if it can be shown that no potential pathways to IC systems exist. So
    far the evidence shows the contrary.
    Those Darwinists who rule out IC must know in

    << their hearts that Darwinist is false, otherwise they would welcome IC
    arguments knowing they *must* win if Darwinism is true;

    Shame on you for this unfounded accusation. You are attributing motives to
    people you do not know. As a scientist and Christian this truely offends me.

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