RE: Blood clotting and IC'ness?

From: Troy Britain (
Date: Wed Sep 13 2000 - 16:08:24 EDT

  • Next message: Stephen E. Jones: "Re: ID vs. ?"

     Hi Howard (all),

     H.V.T.>> So, ID (which, presumably, is implied by the presence of IC) is
    not really
    about "design" but about the manner in which something is "built" or
    assembled? <<

     It is a curious thing that Behe's principle of IC as an argument for design
    turns traditional arguments from design on their heads. No longer are those
    features of organisms that seem perfectly "sculpted" to suit their needs
    necessarily evidence for design. No longer are the features of organisms
    which are well designed from a engineering POV necessarily evidence for

     Now, under Behe's IC principle of design, it doesn't matter how clunky,
    ungainly, and poorly designed from an engineering POV something is, it only
    matters that it is supposedly IC.

     Apparently the "Designer" under the new design theory is a (supernatural)
    cosmic Rube Goldberg.


     Troy Britain (Amateur Naturalist)

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