Life as a manifestation of the second law of thermodynamics

Date: Mon Sep 11 2000 - 23:57:02 EDT

  • Next message: Cliff Lundberg: "Re: Life may have started in undersea vents"

    Very interesting article on dissipative systems, the SLOT and how it applies
    to living things.

    "In this paper we have recast the second law of thermodynamics from the old
    statement of "entropy increase" into a statement that describes systems
    undergoing processes so that they will reach a unique state of equilibrium.
    This description draws on the work of Carathˇodory, Hatsopoulos &
    Keenan, and Kestin. It allows for the discussion of system behaviour in
    nonequilibrium situations. It overcomes the difficulty of describing
    nonequilibrium systems in terms of entropy, which can only be defined in the
    equilibrium state. We suggest that, in nonequilibrium situations, systems
    will take advantage of all available means to resist the gradients
    responsible for the nonequilibrium condition. Furthermore, the stronger the
    gradient, the greater the effect that the equilibrium attractor will have on
    the system. Emergence of coherent self-organizing structures are the
    expected response of systems as they attempt to resist and dissipate the
    external gradients that are moving them away from equilibrium."

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