RE: Definitions of ID

From: Susan Brassfield Cogan (
Date: Fri Sep 08 2000 - 12:52:53 EDT

  • Next message: Nelson Alonso: "Re:Definitions of ID"

    >-----Original Message-----
    >[]On Behalf Of Susan Brassfield
    >Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 10:41 AM
    >Subject: Re: Definitions of ID
    >> Hi Chris:
    >>Saying "nature" did something is no more informative than saying god did
    >>The only questions science can try to answer is how they did it. ( either
    >>"god" or this guy, "nature") Most IDs do not deny evolution, they are
    >>skeptical of "accidental evolution"-- some process occurring without plan,
    >>purpose or design.
    >as Chris and I (and others) have pointed out that is religion, not science.
    >Plan and purpose are not detectible by science--people who wish to hold
    >these views as religious beliefs are perfectly free to do so. In fact they
    >have a constitutionally guaranteed right to do so. However, "most IDs" want
    >those religious views accepted and taught as science and they simply can't
    >be without violating church and state separation.
    >I don't see how the evidence of the irreducible complexity of the bacterial
    >flagellum has anything to do with the seperation of church and state?

    And Susan Replies:

    Behe ceases to explore possible evolutionary pathways for his IC systems
    with the simple pronouncement "God did it." That's one of the main
    objections to ID: it is stultifying to scientific inquiry. The purpose of
    ID (and IC) is to "prove" the existence of the gods is a scientific fact.
    If you can do that, you can get around the major legal roadblock to having
    Christian dogma taught in public schools--in science class, no less. This
    is one of the major objectives of the Discovery Institute which, at least
    in part, bankrolls Behe, Dembski and Johnson.



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