Intelligent design defined?

Date: Mon Sep 04 2000 - 22:44:55 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: evidence against Darwinism-there isn't any!"

    "The last point that should be brought up here is the relatively new area
    referred to as ‰„žIntelligent Design.‰„’ Those involved
              with this frame of reference are part of various religions or are
    non-religious altogether. Intelligent Design is the logical and
              philosophical position, combined with science, which says that the
    universe and life itself give strong evidence for
              intelligent design. The identity of the Intelligent Designer is
    left to the individual‰„äit is not a matter for discussion within the
              parameters of the Intelligent Design movement itself. There are
    both Christians and non-Christians in this movement, as
              well as those who are agnostic. It is a far wider-reaching category
    of thought than creation as discussed above, but
              includes it. Some of the articles by those involved in the
    Intelligent Design field can be found here:"

    Does this sound a little circular ?

    "whether life exhibits the purposeful activity of an intelligent agent
    usually called a designer who in creating life has impressed on it the clear
    marks of intelligence. "

    Does ID shows evidence of intelligence in the design?

    "Until the mid 1980s this dissent was sporadic, focused largely at the grass
    roots, and seeking mainly to influence public opinion through the courts
    (and not very effectively at that). With the Intelligent Design movement this
    dissent has now become focused, promising to overturn the cultural
    dominance of Darwinism much as the freedom movements in eastern Europe
    overturned the political dominance of Marxism at the end of the
    1980s. "

    Is ID, as Bertvan suggests, merely an opposition to Darwinism? Does that make
    it scientific?

    "What then is Intelligent Design? Intelligent Design begins with the
    observation that intelligent causes can do things which undirected natural
    cannot. Undirected natural causes can place scrabble pieces on a board, but
    cannot arrange the pieces as meaningful words or sentences. To obtain
    a meaningful arrangement requires an intelligent cause. This intuition, that
    there is a fundamental distinction between undirected natural causes on the
    one hand and intelligent causes on the other, has underlain the design
    arguments of past centuries. "

    See abov

    Of course the problem lies in the equivocation of directed or undirected.
    While natural selection has no long term purpose it does direct the outcome
    of a mutation.

    "What has emerged is a new program for scientific research known as
    Intelligent Design. Within biology, Intelligent Design is a theory of
    origins and development. Its fundamental claim is that intelligent causes are
    necessary to explain the complex, information-rich structures of biology,
    and that these causes are empirically detectable. "

    But indistinguishable from the actions of a natural designer.

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