Re: Randomness and complex organization via evolution

From: Tedd Hadley (
Date: Mon Jul 17 2000 - 12:47:51 EDT

  • Next message: Steve Clark: "Re: 1. Mike Behe's letter to SCIENCE, 2. Provine & Gish's letters, 3. Less of my posts!" writes
      in message <>:
    > Tedd:
    > >Why are you on this list if you don't want to influence in any way?
    > >Aren't you trying to influence me towards a particular point of view
    > >right now?
    > Bertvan:
    > Absolutely not. I am familiar with many of your views, and know
    > you are committed to them.

       I'm not committed to my views in the dogmatic sense you seem
       to imply. They're just my views, maybe true maybe false. As
       much as possible I try to make my views match reality but
       sometimes I make mistakes. That's why I'm on this list -- to
       air my views and opinions and see if people accept them or reject

       I am here to influence and be influenced, just like everyone else.

    > I am on this list to express a
    > minority view. Stephen seems to be the one of the few, if not
    > the only theist active on the list, and I seem to be the only
    > other skeptic of orthodox Darwinism. Would you be happier if
    > all skeptics were driven from the list? Then you could all sit
    > around and tell each other how brilliant and reasonable you are
    > and how ignorant and stupid everyone is who might dare to disagree
    > with you. That is what happens to most of these boards.

       I have observed that truth can never be intimidated by mere
       insults. People, on the other hand, are more likely to use that
       as a convenient, face-saving excuse for leaving a list.


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