Re: Novel paradigms?

From: Howard J. Van Till (
Date: Sat Apr 22 2000 - 14:51:22 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: Novel paradigms?"

    Mike's definition:

    > What does it mean to have been intelligently designed? Much the
    > same as it means to say that your communication to me was intelligently
    > designed. That is, an intelligent agent imposes some form of organization
    > on reality to facilitate an objective.

    Thanks for being willing to say it so candidly. That's why I have been
    saying that what is called "ID Theory" would be more accurately called
    "Extra-natural Assembly Theory" because of the key role played by occasional
    form-imposing interventions performed by an extra-natural agent.

    Enough said. Mike can have the last word if he wishes.


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