Re: Johnson as Expert (was Experts Worry...)

Brian D Harper (
Tue, 28 Sep 1999 12:38:50 -0700

At 10:49 PM 9/28/99 +0800, Stephen wrote:


>Here we have a good case of metaphysical naturalism, masquerading as
>methodological naturalism, being applied to "religion", and in this case
>the *Christian* "religion".
>Would Howard or any other TE/ECs argue against the consistent application
>of science's methodological naturalism to the *Christian* "religion", and
>in particular its claims of "supernatural intervention in the universe"?

It seems to me that you answer your own question. If metaphysical
naturalism is masquerading as methodological naturalism, then
it is not a consistent application of methodological naturalism.

Brian Harper | "If you don't understand
Associate Professor | something and want to
Applied Mechanics | sound profound, use the
The Ohio State University | word 'entropy'"
| -- Morrowitz