RE: Inherit an Ill Wind

Pim van Meurs (
Mon, 27 Sep 1999 20:33:40 -0700

>"Johnson's books have sold more than a quarter-million copies, and it is no
>wonder that his kind of arguments showed up among conservative Christians
>who voiced their opinions during the science standards hearing in Kansas."
>Johnson's and other IDers' ideas have penetrated *very* deeply,

I have to agree with Pim that this is funny and wishful thinking of the
first water. I wonder how many copies of "Chariots of the Gods" sold?

Susan:"Intelligent Design" is a sham and it won't last. Eventually someone is
going to ask about the man behind the curtain.

Recent comments from Dembski and Behe suggest that IC and ID are nothing more that modern day versions of "God of the gaps". Wesley has done a great job at showing how Dembski's filter does NOT exclude natural selection. If natural selection can lead to ID and IC systems then what does IC/ID have to offer I wonder?