Re: I've also read Spetner's book
Sat, 25 Sep 1999 10:33:00 +0000

At 06:46 PM 09/24/1999 EDT, wrote:
>That is exactly what I think. It has always struck me as odd that casino
>owners use chance to make millions. They design their machines to win more
>than they lose. This is design, yet it uses chance. Yet Christians say God
>can't master chance; they say he can't use chance. So are casino owners
>more powerful than God? I don't think so. I believe that God could
>clearly use chance to attain his purpose. He designed the system to use
>chance. It is the design of a stochastic system.
>Hi Glenn,
>If you are happy believing God created the world by chance, I have no
>objection, but I just want to mention that chance plays no part in casino's
>wins nor in the players losses. The odds are strictly in favor of the
>casino. No chance is involved.

I thought you said that you wanted to understand my position? I don't think
you really do yet. And I am not sure you understand gaming theory. Chance
is not a deterministic law in which there is no way for the house to lose
and lose big time. Nor is every 10 roles of the dice apportioned as the
odds dictate. Occasionally a statistical fluke will occur in a casino and
the winnings will suddenly go against the house. It has been known to
happen that the house was busted by just such a statistical fluke. To
claim, as you mistakenly do, that chance is not involved in the casino
business (on both sides) is clearly to ignore the facts here. The odds
(chances) are in favor of the house, but stochastic events don't always
align with those chances over the short term.


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