Re: Experts Worry

Susan Brassfield (
Tue, 21 Sep 1999 16:52:54 -0600

>Speak up, Neo Darwinists! How many of you are willing to admit "macro
>evolution is merely an accumulation of micro evolution" is merely an opinion?
> (Which you see evidence for, and other people see evidence against.)

I want to see some of your evidence against. Mind posting some of it to the
list? There's an awful lot of evidence that suggests that "micro" evolution
has been happening all along and that these small changes have been
accumulating through the eons. The hominid material arranged solely by age
alone tells a tale of change through time that's tough for you guys to
explain away.

>remember, anything else is not Darwinism. Evolution was know before Darwin.
>His contribution was that macro evolution is merely a gradual accumulation of
>"random mutation and natural selection".
>And while I disagree with your interpretation of the evidence, Susan, I
>don't call it "hot air."

So post some factual evididence that mutations aren't random or that
natural selection doesn't select beneficial mutations or that selected
mutations aren't accumulated over time. I can find you evidence for all
those things. Lots of it. Until you come up with some evidence to support
your opinion it is hot air.



"Life itself is the proper binge."
--Julia Child