Experts Worry
Tue, 21 Sep 1999 15:45:19 EDT

>All the Kansas education board did was refuse to insist that school children
>be told that macro evolution is merely an accumulation of micro evolution.
>They even left the question open-those teachers who do believe macro
>evolution is merely an accumulation of micro evolution are still free to
>teach that as "fact". For this the Kansas education board is accused of an
>ignorant "anti-science campaign".

>all scientific opinion is based on evidence as the Kansas school board very
>well knows. "Macro evolution is merely an accumulation of micro evolution"
>is an opinion. What the Kansas school board did was attempt to supress the
>evidence for that opinion.

>You are fond of saying "everybody is entitled to their opinion" and that is
>true. But whether the opinion is worth anything more than hot air depends
>on whether there is any *evidence* which supports that opinion.


Hi Susan,

Maybe you didn't read carefully what the Kansas school board did. They said
nothing about what evidence might, or might not, be presented. They merely
refused to insist that children be told a mechanism of macro evolution was
either an "opinion" or a "known fact". Instead they ignored the subject, and
teachers are free to teach whatever suits their individual inclination. The
Kansas school board could have said the mechanism of macro evolution is
controversial or unknown, but that might be coustrued as admitting some
people believe in creationism. If, as you say

. "Macro evolution is merely an accumulation of micro evolution"
is an opinion.

No one could disagree with that--including the most zealous Young Earth
Creationist. However, most neo Darwinists insist it is an "opinion", over
which disagreement is not allowed.

Speak up, Neo Darwinists! How many of you are willing to admit "macro
evolution is merely an accumulation of micro evolution" is merely an opinion?
(Which you see evidence for, and other people see evidence against.) And
remember, anything else is not Darwinism. Evolution was know before Darwin.
His contribution was that macro evolution is merely a gradual accumulation of
"random mutation and natural selection".

And while I disagree with your interpretation of the evidence, Susan, I
don't call it "hot air."
