Re: Experts Worry That Public May Not Trust Science
Mon, 20 Sep 1999 23:39:31 EDT

In a message dated 99-09-20 15:26:50 EDT, you write:

<< So I think your assertion:

The only examples that exist are those of people who
were already experts in the field in which they made their breakthrough,
through independent study and research, but who were unacknowledged by the
recognized experts in that field.

is clearly incorrect in at least the case of Watson. Note the word
"already" in the statement.>>

There is also the case of Nancy Wexler, someone trained in clinical
psychology, but who was instrumental in mapping the gene for
Huntington's disease. Geneticists told her that she was crazy to
look for the HD gene with RFLPs back in the early 80s. The nice
thing about outsiders is that they are less likely to talk themselves
out of doing an experiment.
