RE: Plumbing new depths (was What I Truly Believe Regarding "TE/EC")

Pim van Meurs (
Sun, 19 Sep 1999 18:46:10 -0700

Stephen: Since this sort of thing is so obviously grossly inconsistent with Christian
ethics (Mt 5:22), yet Kevin apparently thinks it is OK, I take it as further
confirmation of my thesis that TE/ECs have, *to varying degrees*, been
taken "captive through [a] hollow and deceptive philosophy" (Col 2:8),
namely scientific materialism-naturalism.

So Stephen how come you can be sure that it is not you that has been taken captive similarly? After all some of your postings can hardly be considered consistent with Christian ethics as well. Since you already have concluded that those who have been taken captive do not even know this, you have a serious issue to deal with. That is that it could be very well be you who has been taken captive. You just don't know it.

Think about it.