IC can be explained by Darwinian mechanisms.

Pim van Meurs (entheta@eskimo.com)
Sun, 19 Sep 1999 18:42:14 -0700

Stephen: Here is an article on a molecular motor that highly intelligent scientists with
modern technology, and existing molecular motors in nature as a guide,
still took *four years* to make.

Wow, compare that to the billion of years mother nature has...

StephenL Yet we are expected to believe that blind forces did it on their own,
not once but many times!

Nope, you are creating a strawman to attack. Evolution is 'blind forces' and 'deterministic forces'

Stephen: And the usual `designer substiture' Darwinian mechanisms of random
mutation and natural selection don't work at this level, as Bill Dembski
has pointed out:

"The irreducible complexity of such biochemical systems cannot be
explained by the Darwinian mechanism, nor indeed by any naturalistic
evolutionary mechanism proposed to date.

Sadly enough Dembski is wrong here. IC systems have been explained by Darwinian mechanisms
If you rely on old data. Oh well, when wil Stephen really deal with the reality and not rely on erroneous assertions by Dembski et al.