Re: Editorial by Sobran
Thu, 16 Sep 1999 15:47:37 EDT

In a message dated 99-09-16 15:26:36 EDT, Susan writes:

<< yes. Teaching the religious dogma of one of the religions in America with
public monies is unconstitutional. It has no place in public education.
There are churches on every street corner (at least in Oklahoma) if that's
not enough then teaching religion in publicly funded schools won't help.>>

But the problem is that while the government schools may be neutral
with regards to one religion vs. another, they are NOT neutral
with regards to religion vs. no religion. And it's not about "going to
church." It's about the filters one uses to educate. Since filtered
education is usually indoctrination, by filtering out religious thinking,
the government schools "indoctrinate" kids to view the world as if religion
is not worth mentioning. Y'know, in class we'll learn about the
important facts and theories and on your own time you can watch TV,
play video games, go to parties, and go to church.

Why not simply allow tax-payers to check off whether they want
their tax money to be used to support schools which don't filter
out religion?
