RE: Editorial by Sobran
Wed, 15 Sep 1999 22:31:15 +0000

At 08:43 AM 09/15/1999 -0700, Pim van Meurs wrote:
>Boy, that person surely had nothing relevant to say.

I disagree. Sobran explained very clearly to those who are listening why
the creation/evolution issue won't go away. If you had more than one
liners to offer, you would have noticed that. Since I like data to back up
a position here is what I found true to the core Sobran wrote:
The battle over evolution and religion is really a battle between
state and parental authority. The obvious way to resolve it is to
cut the state out of education, making all schools private.
Parents who really wanted their kids to absorb the Darwinian
philosophy would be free to have their own schools; Christian
parents would have their own schools too.

Like it or not, a significant number of people in this country still
believe that they have a right to pass on whatever culture they want to
pass on to their children. Like it or not, freedom demands that we let
them do it even if we don't like the result. ARe you against allowing a
parent the privilege of instilling in their children what they want? Or is
the state responsible for the children? If they are, then I ask the
question that was in that Jimmy Stewart movie years ago I think it was
Shenandoah. He said something like: "Where was the state when the kid
needed nursing?"

What you missed by your dismissive attitude was the central issue that many
YECs feel about the educational system. Surely even you would think that
that was important.

Unfortunately, I will now be off line for a little over a week and will be
unable to respond.

Foundation, Fall and Flood
Adam, Apes and Anthropology

Lots of information on creation/evolution