Re: TE,souls, and freedom

Loren Haarsma (
Tue, 14 Sep 1999 20:24:59 -0400 (EDT)

We pack a lot of different concepts into that word "soul."
Perhaps we should unpack a few of those concepts for this discussion.

It may be that God made us in such a way that our brain's functioning can
account for some of the things which we pack into the word "soul": our
verbal ability; empathy; complex inter-personal interactions; our ability
to choose; perhaps even our self-awareness. And it may be that science
will eventually figure out how our brains do these things.

But there are other concepts in that word "soul" which simply require
God's supernatural activity: the establishment of a personal relationship
between creature and Creator; moral accountability; life after death.

Loren Haarsma