Re: Subj: What I Truly Believe Regarding "TE/EC"

Arthur V. Chadwick (
Mon, 13 Sep 1999 09:50:13 -0700

At 05:26 PM 09/12/1999 EDT, Kevin wrote:

>I respect your right to believe whatever you want, but if in doing so you
>also reject clear scientific evidence, I have the right to challenge that
>belief. The same right you have to challenge any belief that you feel
>contradicts known scientific evidence.

Kevin, from what you have stated above, it sounds to me like you are making
science the arbiter of your religious belief. If so, you have chosen a
dangerous and predetermined pathway that will lead you ultimately to reject
the God who made you. I hope I am misunderstanding your position. I know
of no religious belief that can come out of a materialistic philosophy
other than materialism. I no of no religious belief that can come out of
naturalistic science other than naturalism. I only hope I am misreading
you here. I find science an exciting and challenging enterprise, and the
fun never ceases. But I neither expect nor desire to learn about ultimate
truths from science. Science, by definition, doesn't go there.