RE: Evolution of improved fitness

Hofmann, Jim (jhofmann@Exchange.FULLERTON.EDU)
Sun, 12 Sep 1999 22:51:43 -0700

Thanks to Pim van Meurs for the very valuable links he has posted lately. I
stay subscribed to this list just for the sake of access to references like
these. This more than makes up for having to frequently delete whinings from
SJ. I read a few SJ's every year to see if he has anything of substance to
contribute, but unfortunately the answer is always no.

Thanks Pim and Kevin who recently posted his TE position.

PS. In light of Kevin's statement, does anyone think that Howard van Till
has not made explicit his TE point of view? He's in print oh so explicitly
that it's hard to imagine who wouldn't get it. We'll see.

Jim Hofmann
Cal State Fullerton

-----Original Message-----
From: Pim van Meurs
To: 'Evolution list'
Sent: 9/11/99 12:52 PM
Subject: Evolution of improved fitness

Another interesting article found at