Re: A Catholic sermon from Kansas
Sun, 12 Sep 1999 17:18:32 +0000

At 09:24 PM 09/12/1999 +0800, Stephen E. Jones wrote:
>Even if "all) TE/ECs on this Reflector" did "frequently *say* that
>they do NOT share this "ideological frame of mind", that does not mean
>they don't. If TE/ECs have in fact been taken "captive through [a] hollow
>and deceptive philosophy..." (Col 2:8), namely scientific materialism-
>naturalism, then they may not realise it. It is, after all, a *deceptive*
>philosophy that the Apostle Paul was warning Christians about.
>There is a prima facie case that TE/ECs are candidates for Paul's warning
>because their very name indicates they are trying to combine the opposites
>of naturalistic evolution with Christian theism. That TE/ECs refuse to even
>consider it could be true, and react with anger and ad hominems, rather
>than discussing it calmly and rationally is evidence that they *have* been
>taken "captive through [a] hollow and deceptive philosophy"!

It seems to me that when they try to talk with you you simply don't believe
what they say.

>I agree with Loren that it "ain't a conversation". I am *trying* to make
it "a
>conversation"! It is the *TE/ECs* who are doing everything they can (ie.
>ad hominems, shoot the messenger, refusal tom read my posts, etc) rather
>than have "a conversation"!

It is difficult to have a conversation with a person like you who "knows"
what another person means in spite of the words that they use. You have the
most amazing ability to take the statement "there is a God" and turn it
into "there is no God.'

And as Kevin so aptly put it, you can ignore what anyone says if you judge
them to be trapped by a deceitful philosophy. Thus there is no way to
change your mind about anything. To the anti-evolutionary lurkers here: Is
this what you want as your ideal position?

Foundation, Fall and Flood
Adam, Apes and Anthropology

Lots of information on creation/evolution