RE: A Catholic sermon from Kansas

Pim van Meurs (
Sun, 12 Sep 1999 11:19:14 -0700

SJ: Even if "all) TE/ECs on this Reflector" did "frequently *say* that
they do NOT share this "ideological frame of mind", that does not mean
they don't. If TE/ECs have in fact been taken "captive through [a] hollow
and deceptive philosophy..." (Col 2:8), namely scientific materialism-
naturalism, then they may not realise it. It is, after all, a *deceptive*
philosophy that the Apostle Paul was warning Christians about.

So that could equally well apply to you? Are you sure that you are not being taken captive through a hollow and deceptive philosphy. After all you seem to be willing to not accept people's words. Personally as a Christian, I would accept people's words. See Stephen, you have just opened up a can of worms.