RE: if Stan really did intend to help, then I thank him for it (was More of the same from Stephen)

Pim van Meurs (
Sat, 11 Sep 1999 09:55:17 -0700

SJ: Stan can conclude whatever he likes. But the fact is that he does not deny
that he has *never* shown me any support in the past, either publicly or
privately. If Stan really has all along supported me, why has *never* said so?

Stephen, without any evidence you jumped to conclusions.

SJ: Then out of the blue Stan posts a public message titled "petty personal
agendas" with insults like "grow up", "whining", "spoiled child" and
"mean-spirited parent", and he expects me to be interpret it as "help"?

Indeed, these are very vauluable comments.