Re: Peppered moths...again???

Brian D Harper (
Fri, 10 Sep 1999 16:33:19 -0700

At 11:38 AM 9/9/99 -0700, Art wrote:
>At 11:01 AM 09/09/1999 -0400, Marcio wrote:
>>Peppered moths are *NOT* the only example of natural selection observed in
>Quoting from Troy's response:
>Seawall Wright(1978) called [the peppered moth case] "...the clearest case
>in which a conspicuous evolutionary process has been actually observed."

Pardon me for butting in ;-), but wouldn't Seawall Wright's statement
be true (at least at the time he said it) regardless of what the
mechanism is?

Brian Harper | "If you don't understand
Associate Professor | something and want to
Applied Mechanics | sound profound, use the
The Ohio State University | word 'entropy'"
| -- Morrowitz