Re: Peppered moths...again???

Arthur V. Chadwick (
Thu, 09 Sep 1999 11:38:16 -0700

At 11:01 AM 09/09/1999 -0400, Marcio wrote:

>Peppered moths are *NOT* the only example of natural selection observed in

Quoting from Troy's response:

Seawall Wright(1978) called [the peppered moth case] "...the clearest case
in which a conspicuous evolutionary process has been actually observed."

This being the case, I am somewhat puzzled at Marcio's insistence that I
abandon this and discuss other examples. Since this is by far the most
often cited example, perhaps Marcio should be directing his concerns to
those who are using this as an example of natural selection, rather than to
those who are seeking to understand just what the peppered moth story does
tell us.

To quote Marcio again:
"As I said before, as christians we should seek the truth, not our
>own preconceptions of what truth should look like."