RE: Reply to Bruce Alberts

Pim van Meurs (
Wed, 8 Sep 1999 08:22:11 -0700

Behe: It is not the business of science organizations, however, to dispense
religious advice. Rather, their sole obligation is to give an unbiased
assessment of the evidence. Their dismal failure to do so-and the suspicion
it engenders-is the main reason that the evolution controversy festers.

Nice rethoric. Poor Behe is falling for the same errors that Johnson has fallen for so long. Now that Behe's IC has been shown to be lacking as evidence for design, what is left?

SJ: The cause of the controversy escapes them because many (but far from all)
scientists presume that every event, present and past, simply has to have a
completely natural explanation.

There is no evidence to the contrary so the assumption appears to be quite good. But yes, science can only explain observations within the limits of scientific inquiry. Deus ex Machina explanations just do not work.