Pim van Meurs (
Mon, 6 Sep 1999 16:37:29 -0700

SJ: I understand the article has been widely syndicated. There seems to be a
growing understanding on the part of the media that evolution has *major*
problems in its own right, and that it is no longer good enough for the
Darwinists to point to weaknesses in the young-Earth creationist position
in order to shield evolution itself from scrutiny.

Poor logic once again. Scientists point to weaknesses in YEC for the good reason that their arguments are not supported by science. Similarly science has shown that ID is still unable to show evidence of (supernatural) design.

I like his closing line:

SJ: "...people who might one day have very red faces should not accuse other people of having very red necks".

And yet evolution has withstood decades or more of scrutiny. It's unlikely that scientists will be exposed the embarassment of those who abused science to support their interpretation of faith.