RE: transitions from a wolf-like creature to a whale? (was Rabbits in the Precambrian)

Pim van Meurs (
Mon, 6 Sep 1999 17:06:04 -0700

On Wed, 25 Aug 1999 16:35:46 -0600, Susan Brassfield wrote:


SB>That series of transitionals was filled fairly recently. A couple of years
>ago the National Geographic did a wonderful spread on the fossil
>transitions from a wolf-like creature to a whale. Complete with photos of
>the fossils.

SJ: Unfortunately for the Darwinist propaganda machine, it all turned out to be
wrong! The "wolf-like creature", namely a mesonychid, turned out not to
be ancestral to whales after all, despite all the earlier confifdent

Emtpy rethoric and yes, the mesonychid turned out not to be ancestral to whales. So what? It shows that science works and is hardly a propaganda machine.

SJ: Now they are back to square one with the putative whale ancestor being
thought to be some unspecified "ungulate" or "artiodactyl" (see the following
extract from SCIENCE of 7 August 1998).

Still ignoring the series of transitionals for whales eh? Just focusing on some detail where science changed its mind based on the evidence. That's how good science works dear Stephen.