Re: Materialistic Science
Wed, 1 Sep 1999 14:03:40 -0500

>>That's interesting but at the scale of molecules and organisms is it really

>I believe that God
>is an integral part of physical reality in the sense that if He is not,
>there is no physical universe. I do not think man can ever understand that

Interesting but not as interesting to me as the question of how God pulls it all
off. If he is interacting at all with the universe then it would not be the
traditional view that he causes earthquakes/floods/plagues etc., but the
interaction would have to be on an atomic scale or maybe even smaller.

Any interaction no matter how small would have consequences elsewhere and you
would have to know the initial conditions and be able to predict exactly how
your interaction would affect another part of the universe to avoid problems
(obviously not beyond God's capabilities).

A god that pulls a few strings to rescue the Israelites would have to be in
control of an unimaginable number of strings to exert the kind of
control/interaction envisioned by modern believers (with regard to
evolution/creation for example).

The point is this; if God is in control of and can influence every particle in
the universe then He must be so intimately tied to the universe that He must be
the universe itself (which I think is what Moorad was saying). However, this
means that God=The Universe and if this is the case then why do we need God? Why
can't we just have the universe?