Re: Acadmic thought police

Susan Brassfield (
Fri, 18 Jun 1999 13:02:08 -0600

>I would say that if anything editors are too tolerant of
>rubbish, and much of what gets published appears to be of little value.
>God Bless
>Hi Johathan,
>I don't think geologists, as a group, are particularly committed to a
>philosophy of deterministic science. Darwinists, those committed to an
>accidential universe, are committed to materialism. I doubt you would see
>the same tolerance in their journals.

geology and evolution are deeply entwined. Even Stephen J. Gould refers to
himself as a geologist sometimes. Geology and geophysics provide the deep
time needed for evolution and the dating techniques necessary to place
fossils and species in history.

I'm curious: why do you have such a problem with the "accidental" universe?
You claim to be a non-theist and the need for "directedness" in nature is
usually a need for theism--a need for someone in charge.



"Life itself is the proper binge."
--Julia Child